cattle ranch realtor

Catron County has a rich and interesting history; and there are many ghost towns, each with it’s own story. Some of the ghost towns are Adams Diggins, Bursum, Collins Park, Cooney, Frisco, Fullerton, Graham, Greens Gap, Horse Springs, Jewett, Patterson, Mangas, Red Hill, Spur Lake, Tres Lagunas, Whitfield.

One of the more interesting stories is about Adams Diggins. Legend has it that Adams, together with a group of miners entered Western New Mexico (what is now Catron County) from the White Mountains and found a valley rich in gold. Even though warned not to stay too long, they lingered and mined until they ran out of supplies. All of the miners, except for Adams, were killed by an Indian war party. Adams was wandering around delirious and was found by an army scout party. He settled in California, but returned years later after the Apache wars ended to try to find his gold – he never did –

A number of present day cattle ranches as well as hunting properties carry the names of these ghost towns. Some of these ranches may be for sale -Imagine owning such a historic piece of land!

Call or email us and we can help you find a cattle ranch with lots of history!